Thursday, February 11, 2021

Harmonica: Poem


Title: Harmonica

By: Bruce Hackmann


I'll place my supple lips on you

It's what you came here for

My unquenchable desires

Now play to my yearnings

Sing that lustrous tune that I crave


My hands will hold you and fondle you like a fiddle

Firmly holding your waist, gently moving to your hips

Gliding to your thighs, while I’m looking deep into eyes

I exhale knowing your enthralled with the movement

With eagerness I’ll blow on you till your thrilled tonight


Playing your unquenchable desires

Like running my fingers through your hair

Your rapture fulfills my ecstasy

We are playing in tune

As the harmonica plays to our desires

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Adore: Poem

By: Bruce Hackmann

Oh, to look into your eyes
I, just wonder were you have been
I would love to see you smile
The one: I so want to adore

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Natures Hallway: Poem

Title:Natures Hallway
By: Bruce Hackmann

Fresh dirt, crisp leaves, roots of the trees
Climbing the stairways of my life
Raw tranquility in the breeze
I start to forget all my strife

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Sail on My Friend: Poem

Title: Sail on My Friend

What times we had that summer
Journeying around the country side
Sharing precious time together
Wandering through the woods
Looking for that hidden treasure
Crossing the waterways of life
In search of lasting tranquility
Summer fades into fall
All good things come to an end
Sail on my friend

Caregiver: Poem

Title: Caregiver
By: Bruce Hackmann

It's not the fight we would pick

It's not the battle we would wage

But, it is the journey we take without question

Enchantment: Poem

Title: Enchantment 
By: Bruce Hackmann

It took one moment; just a glance
Such mystery and enchantment
Your hair, eyes; off in a trance
Feelings, O' lost, in bewitchment
Lips, your cheek; I took one more glance
I’m charmed; your entrancement

The allure kept calling me back
Soon my heart skipped: when I saw you
My heart n mind fashioned a pack
Pleasure was mine; my fancy grew
For you, passion I did not lack
My soul dreamed, if you only knew

Rapture boiled like never before
Simple visits, we shared our strife
Oh, you are, the one, I adore
When such tragedy struck my life
I became the one you abhor
My heart: you held the carving knife

It all happened
At an Italian Restaurant

Dam Falls: Poem

Title:Dam Falls
Tanka Style
By: Bruce Hackmann

In search of Dam Falls
I hear the sound of rainfall
Cascades make their call
Mossy rock divides the fall
Showering white water, falls

Sable Falls: Poem

Title: Sable Falls
By: Bruce Hackmann

The lush life, of my life
You secretly call
I kneel before your rife
I watch, your water: fall

Bond Falls: Poem

Title: Bond Falls
By: Bruce Hackmann

Your beauty on display, for all who seek
Rolling rugged ways, feed your splendor
Walking boundaries; listening to you speak
Awaiting your seduction; heart ready to render

At your peak, so serene
Bursts of crystal, as you fall
Deafening sound; O’ the queen
Beauty on display: From your earthly wall

Power House Falls: Poem

Title: Power House Falls
By: Bruce Hackmann

By the abandoned Power House
Sits a pretty little waterfall
Black slate as sparkling water dowse
The rambling river sings at nightfall

Monday, March 16, 2020

Bonanza Falls: Poem

Title: Bonanza Falls
By: Bruce Hackmann

Oh, the godsend that I came upon
Taking in your brawny boon
I rejoice in the resplendence
Of your well formed, earthiness 

River rock and water on display
Powerfully built with earths treasures
I witness trees so green; sky so blue
Solidly display your magnificence

Babbling Brook

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Black Slate Falls: Poem

Title: Black Slate Falls
By: Bruce Hackmann

This waterfall was a tough find
So, I made it a rough write
Presented in a rough way
I rambled like the river

Hope you enjoy


Logging roads
Snowmobile trails
Not on the map

I thought I was lost
Thank god for GPS

Northern Michigan at its Crest
Next to the rabbit ear
Lost in the wilderness

Walking along Slate River
A scattering of cascades
Nature at it’s best
I thought I was blessed

A remote wild river named Slate
On it’s way to Lake Superior

Water so clear
It didn’t even look deep
Sights of brook trout
I’m ready to eat

Cascading scores so serene
The smell of nature so pristine
Watching water pour over the shallow stairs

A lone boulder on the slate
What a beautiful site
Such natural beauty
My heart came to seek

Seemed like a mile
Walking the river wild
Rolling little falls around every bend
God blessed me with a smile

In the days if your roof had slate
It was probably harvested from this slate

Wonderful short stepping drops
Along my hike

God gave me this walk
So, I could dream

Wagner Falls: Poem

Title: Wagner Falls
By: Bruce Hackmann

So resonating
Cascading sound crashing down
Tranquility; as the moment stood still
Terraced falls added to the score
Thundering, ever so peacefully

So picturesque
Hemlocks and Hardwoods surround
The beauty; with the curtain of crystals
Precipitous character so serene
Wagner Falls, unveils its elegance

Quartzite Falls: Poem

Title: Quartzite Falls
By: Bruce Hackmann

In the middle of nowhere, I find you
I have been looking for love
How do I explain the feelings
It’s like you fell from heaven above

Your majestic beauty
Is planted in the earth
For all to fall, in love
But, I want you alone

Alone, to feel your ecstasy
Your rapture surrounds me
Your voice takes me to heaven
Your waves flow to my heart

Everyone, is in search of you
But, now we are: alone

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Seashell Splendor: Poem

Title: Seashell Splendor
By: Bruce Hackmann

Bursting bubbles spray their beautiful bouquet
With each crashing wave to the shore.
As the beachcomber combs the bay
In search of treasures to adore

Washed to the sandy shore the ocean roar
The rhythmic tide plays it's musical score
Seashells decorate with their color and form
Sunlight, sand, and seahorses ready to perform

Auger, Turkey Wing, and Tooth Shells collect to play the strings
Sea Urchins, Buttercup and Fan Shell fill the percussion
Tulip, Junonia, and Fig Shells assemble as woodwinds
The Queen and Crown Conch gather as the brass

Thousands of Coquina, Pen, and Clam Shells join the ensemble
Searching,  I take my place as their Conductor

I feel the musical pulse of the performers
Waves and wind control the metrical rhythms
We play till my soul reaches it's crescendo
Leaving the symphony now my heart feels such sorrow

I treasure this orchestra; to be apart of something so great
People question the treasures; they see, I don’t take
What I see with my ears and eyes
I gather all the treasures one could find

I love their beautiful sonata, ‘Seashell Splendor’

Beachcomber: Poem

Title: Beachcomber
By: Bruce Hackmann

Wind of the sea, tell me a tale:

There is a wanderer that walks the shore
Gathering items I’ve brought from the ocean floor
The drifter will stop to take in my fresh sea breeze
They look around, surf, sand, and sun in the Keys

The forager will poke and prod at the pieces I’ve delivered
Exploring the many treasures I’ve washed ashore to be considered
The gatherer kneels in the sand as the surf swirls
Searching for gems and jewels or some precious pearls

The scrounger on their hands and knees scurried through the sand
I like to send’em a nice comber wave to see them stand
The accumulator wasn’t finding any treasures on this side of the bay
So I mustered a big wave to send this beachcomber on his way

Harmonica: Poem

  Title: Harmonica By: Bruce Hackmann   I'll place my supple lips on you It's what you came here for My unquenchable des...