Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Seashell Splendor: Poem

Title: Seashell Splendor
By: Bruce Hackmann

Bursting bubbles spray their beautiful bouquet
With each crashing wave to the shore.
As the beachcomber combs the bay
In search of treasures to adore

Washed to the sandy shore the ocean roar
The rhythmic tide plays it's musical score
Seashells decorate with their color and form
Sunlight, sand, and seahorses ready to perform

Auger, Turkey Wing, and Tooth Shells collect to play the strings
Sea Urchins, Buttercup and Fan Shell fill the percussion
Tulip, Junonia, and Fig Shells assemble as woodwinds
The Queen and Crown Conch gather as the brass

Thousands of Coquina, Pen, and Clam Shells join the ensemble
Searching,  I take my place as their Conductor

I feel the musical pulse of the performers
Waves and wind control the metrical rhythms
We play till my soul reaches it's crescendo
Leaving the symphony now my heart feels such sorrow

I treasure this orchestra; to be apart of something so great
People question the treasures; they see, I don’t take
What I see with my ears and eyes
I gather all the treasures one could find

I love their beautiful sonata, ‘Seashell Splendor’

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