Sunday, January 26, 2020

Touched by the Sea: Poem

Title: Touched by the Sea
By: Bruce Hackmann

Summertime rainbows
Sea stars on the ocean floor

Treasures of the shore

Fragile sand dollar petals
Share their splendor with the world

My Heart Recalls: Poem

Title: My Heart Recalls
By: Bruce Hackmann

The simplicity of the moment
The smile when you walked in
The gentle conversations
The instant my heart would flutter

My heart recalls

The joy you would bring to my life

Chasing Waterfalls: Poem

Title: Chasing Waterfalls
By: Bruce Hackmann

With each beat of my heart I climb your stairs
With each step of the stairway my body feels the surge
The anticipation of your majestic beauty
Starts to fill my soul

It’s like seeing someone you believe in
I am mesmerized by your presence
You are powerful and strong

The fragrance of the fresh zephyr carries your perfume
Your cascading score showers me with romance
I am enraptured by your riveting song

Your rustic beauty
Your unyielding power
Your calming aroma
Your captivating melody
All surrounds me with your love

As I walk away I no longer hear your roar
But, your spirit still fills my soul

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Raven Tress: Poem

Title: Raven Tress
By: Bruce Hackmann

Oh, The raven tress
Her head on my shoulder
That flows to her dress
I just want to hold her

Starry midnight eyes
That lifts me to the sky
The pale moonlight sighs
Softly our lips nigh

The tender light
That graces her smile
Let’s forth her spright
Her kiss of pirate style

Monday, January 20, 2020

Thy Flowing Dress: Poem

Title: Thy Flowing Dress
By: Bruce Hackmann

She walks the beach, oh so peaceful
Even cloudy days ye beauty shine
Waves of crystal makes me wistful 
Thy flowing dress enwraps my shrine

By the ocean on a velvet breeze
Golden threads tenderly brush thy cheek
Ye porcelain skin touched by the seas
Such deep beauty, the treasure I seek

O'er her face
Above thine eyes
How sweet thou place
Bright waves of golden skies

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Wind of the Sea: Poem

Title: Wind of the Sea
By: Bruce Hackmann

Wind of the sea, I hear you wail
Wind of the sea, how did I fail
My love has left me
Simply let me go
All of your howling, just let me be
She said, she had to go

Sun light on the beach
Darkness fills my heart
Ocean roaring, why do you preach
Path to my love now has no chart
How do I keep walking …
I don’t want to part

I hear you blowing

I feel the storm

You can stop now

For I know

The gales won’t bring her back to me

Sanibel Poem

Prose for you
Title: Sanibel
By: Bruce Hackmann

As I walk Sanibel and think of you
I watch the grains of sand rush to the shore
Just like the blood to my heart

Harmonica: Poem

  Title: Harmonica By: Bruce Hackmann   I'll place my supple lips on you It's what you came here for My unquenchable des...