Monday, April 16, 2018

On the Inside Poem

Title: Join Me on the Inside 
By: Bruce Hackmann 

I’m standing alone on a January night
The freezing winds blow across the face
I feel my life frozen in one place
While, all I can think 
When will the winds of change come 
I’m due for change
The world needs to change
While I stand alone outside on this January night
I fight the elements of
And a perpetual feel of heart ache
When will the winds of change come
It's me against the world and I search for that will to survive 
I need to go inside
But, I go inside just to shut the door
The elements followed me inside 
And a perpetual feel of heart ache 
As I stand alone 
On this January night
I feel the winds of change blowing on the inside 
Then I realize it’s not the world that needs to change
I feel that dramatic wind of change blowing on the inside
It’s telling me 
I need to ride the wind of change that's within me
Then I’ll see the world change
How I see the world is how I see myself
How I see myself is how I am going to see my world
I’m standing alone 
When will someone come join me on the inside

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