Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Quintessence: Poem

Title: Quintessence
By: Bruce Hackmann

She’s the quintessential beauty that walks before me

O her eyes are precious gems
The cut so brilliant 
The color so valuable  
The clarity so luminous
The carat weight beyond compare 
Your eyes express such qualities
Your eyes are the jewels that glow

O her skin is soft as a rose petal 
The passion so tender
The purity so exemplar 
The enchantment so blissful 
The beauty measures beyond compare
Your skin embodies these qualities 
Your skin is the flower in bloom

O her hair is lustrous as silk
The prism so shimmering
The hue so radiant
The touch so luxurious 
The loveliness values beyond compare
Your hair personifies these qualities 
Your hair is the fabric of royalty 

Her quintessence fills my spirit 
Quintessentially, her beauty is my standard

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Rivers Bend: Poem

Title: Rivers Bend
By: Bruce Hackmann

The meandering river gently flows 
As the butterfly glides on the summer wind
With each twist n turn the river goes 
While the brook trout swims around the bend

The winding river carefully circulates
As the turtle crawls back to the stream
With each curve n curl the river percolates 
While the swan gracefully nests with esteem 

The roaming river rolls along
As the salamander baths on the edge
With each zig n zag the river is strong
While the frog sits on the rocky ledge 

The wandering river slowly flows through the meadow 
As I walk along the rivers bend

Friday, May 18, 2018

Darkness: Poem

Title: Darkness
By: Bruce Hackmann

Darkness fills the day
Loneliness is your friend
How long the stay
The spirit descend

Negative thoughts in the way
Mind starts to befriend
Everything inside in disarray
Body feels the trend

As your life starts to stray
You just wonder …
When will the heart start to mend

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Falling is Beautiful: Poem

Title: Falling is Beautiful
By: Bruce Hackmann

Falling can happen 
When you don’t expect it
Your heart feels the passion
It happens when you least expect it

Time with you is enchanting 
You seem so exquisite  
The mind finds you dazzling 
Each moment feels decadent 

Please don’t tell me it's illusional 
Because falling could be so beautiful

Harmonica: Poem

  Title: Harmonica By: Bruce Hackmann   I'll place my supple lips on you It's what you came here for My unquenchable des...