Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Beachcomber: Poem

Title: Beachcomber
By: Bruce Hackmann

Wind of the sea, tell me a tale:

There is a wanderer that walks the shore
Gathering items I’ve brought from the ocean floor
The drifter will stop to take in my fresh sea breeze
They look around, surf, sand, and sun in the Keys

The forager will poke and prod at the pieces I’ve delivered
Exploring the many treasures I’ve washed ashore to be considered
The gatherer kneels in the sand as the surf swirls
Searching for gems and jewels or some precious pearls

The scrounger on their hands and knees scurried through the sand
I like to send’em a nice comber wave to see them stand
The accumulator wasn’t finding any treasures on this side of the bay
So I mustered a big wave to send this beachcomber on his way

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