Saturday, April 14, 2018

December Sky: Poem

My friend Jeanice took this picture on a December day while visiting her parents in Michigan. (2017)

Janice Pantier Mullen's Picture

Title: December Sky 
By: Bruce Hackmann 

As I walk the December trail of life
I reflect upon all my strive

I try to manage the short days and dreary nights
My emotions run deep and I have to take them to new heights

I lift my head to the bold December Sky
I feel a chilling hush 
As I exhale a tempered, sigh 

Through the soft grays, the steel grays, I see the kiss of blush
I feel Gods kiss in this moment of December hush

OMG, he wants us to be happy in this life
In an instant I no longer feel my strive

My spirit is lifted by the calm silence of the December Sky 

The same day Jeanice took that picture I made the December Sky Necklace because I saw the same sky and was inspired by its beauty.

December Sky on left
December Sunset on right

Jeanice liked the necklaces interpration of that December Sky so much she bought the necklace. Well, she actually bought both.

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