Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Beauty Before Me: Poem

It's was June 2016 when I had this experience.

I’ll never forget the moment.

Her right hand was under her chin. She was talking about food and spices. But, I got lost looking into her brown eyes, the freckles around the bridge of her nose, and I swear at that moment I experienced all the good moments of her life looking deep into those eyes.

While finishing my wine I was thinking about the little girl within her. Then, the young lady inside. Then, she stood before me and asked me if I wanted one more glass of wine. I paid and went to the parking lot to write these words.

First poem to write in 30 years. It’s simple and cute.

Title: The Beauty Before Me
By: Bruce Hackmann 

Looking into her eyes
I see a world so deep

The little girl, the young lady, 
The beauty that stands before me

Her freckles on her cheek
Tell a story so rich

The little girl, the young lady, 
The beauty that stands before me

Her skin so soft
It speaks of a life so pure

The little girl, the young lady, 
The Beauty that Stands Before Me

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Babbling Brook: Poem

I have a necklace line that I named Rivers Bend. Last month, March 2018, I thought I would try and write a poem for the necklace line.

Title: Babbling Brook 
By: Bruce Hackmann 

The babbling brook 
Plays a quiet melody
That streams between my ears 
While my inner spirits ascent

The cascading score 
Collaborates with my nose
With calming aromas of mineral scent

The bouquet plays 
To the timeless moment
Of tranquil time spent

The Rambling River: Poem

Preparing to do some video/photography work on my poem titled, Rivers Bend, I was thinking about the different types of rivers I will be confronted with. Each river could have a different characteristic which will influence the emotional tone. So, I came up with three different types: Roaring, Rolling, and Rambling. It's the same poem but set to each rivers characteristic.

Title: The Rambling River
By: Bruce Hackmann

The rambling river
Plays a riveting melody 
That streams between my ears
As my inner spirits ascent

The cascading score
Collaborates with my nose
With calming aromas of mineral scent

The bouquet plays
To the timeless moment
Of tranquil time spent

Monday, April 16, 2018

Tenderness: Poem

For the past year my wife has been battling cancer. Last month when we were up north I was sitting outside by the campfire and I could see her silhouette as she sat inside by the window. I wrote this in the next moment. 

Title: Tenderness
By: Bruce Hackmann 

As I watched you walk before me 
I think of the tenderness I should share
As you changed before my eyes 
I realized how much I care

With each slipping moment 
I questioned the man that was within
Emotions ran deep inside 
I pondered the time of when

When do I share the tenderness 
When do I stand strong
It’s not about being strong
When, what is required is gentleness 

I’m not a perfect man
I questioned if I did all I can

I want to give you all the tenderness 
I cannot wait until it is effortless 

I’ll still stand strong

Love Lost: Poem

By: Bruce Hackmann 

The day slowly dies
With each passing thought
Within my heart

Teardrops: Poem

Title: Teardrops
By: Bruce Hackmann 

I keep trying to find my inspiration 
Since my object of desire has gone 
I know something inside has died 
For now, my passion sings a different song  

I feel dancing on my teardrops
As I methodically search inside
I rummage for that pure ardent feeling
Sadly, my emotions run and hide

With this the imagination 
Has diminished 

I am left 
Like a weak empty shell 

I just wish she would dance around my teardrops

For, I still remember how each one fell

Hope Street: Poem

My wife has been battling ovarian cancer since July 2017. We had nothing but bad results all 2017. With new chemo meds being used at the start of 2018 and we were hoping for better results I came up with this poem while in waiting for the CA 125 tumor marker number results.

Title: Hope Street
By: Bruce Hackmann 

Excuse me.
Can you tell me how to get to Hope Street

I can tell you what the road to Hope Street is paved with

As you drive straight ahead for the State of Forlorn
You may feel some sadness and your heart may get torn

Your mind may get consumed and become miserable 
And with every turn everything may seem unthinkable 

However, things can change when you get to Change Street
With one turn you will be on Carefree Street 
The next left you will find yourself on Strange Street

Along the journey, you will find yourself on Hopeful Street
Don’t get optimistic; soon you will have to turn onto Sorrowful Street 

With every wrong left turn and right turn you’ll wonder if your spirit can be respondent 
As the road crumbles with each passing mile, you’ll be left feeling so despondent 

Do not worry
The next left is Hope Street

This is the path you will have to take  
I hope you will enjoy your travel to Hope Street

Heart Ache: Poem

Title: Heart Ache
By: Bruce Hackmann 

With each fading thought,
There is an ache within my heart

Her scent softly fades
Her smile slowly wanes

The curls of her mane gently untwine
There is such deep sadness within my mind

With each fading thought 
She slips steadily from my heart

In the Moonlight: Poem

Title: In the Moonlight
By: Bruce Hackmann 

As we walked in the moonlight 
We both wondered if the time was right

Your gentle touch was oh, so soft
For a moment, we felt we were lost

Your eyes dazzled from the stars above
We both reflected if we were in love

The scent of your hair was o so eloquent 
We both pondered if our love had the right element

The touch of your skin was oh, so fine
We stopped and had a sip of wine

My lips touched you skin
We both speculated what might have been

As we walked away from the moon light 
We both knew the time was not right

Infusion Room: Poem

My wife was diagnosed with ovarian cancer back in July of 2017.  As of this writing we are still in the battle of chemo. What was supposed to be a four or five month treatment plan turned into something more. Everything went wrong in 2017. One day in the infusion I got this inspiration to write this little poem.

Title: Infusion Room
By: Bruce Hackmann

Sad faces
Solemn faces 


Bags with fluid
Cords connected to bodies


Beeping noises
Sounds of silence 


Heads held downcast
Heads held straight forward


Many shall make it
Others don’t know


Loved ones




Patients lying there
Minds wondering where are we going


Someone rings the bell

Happiness fills your heart

Then you stop

And think, about your own situation

The Dream

I had a dream this morning. 

The people in my dream are my older sister Lee Ann (who passed back in 1991), Dad (who just passed this year, January 2018), my younger sister Lori and me.

Here is the dream:

My sister Lee Ann and Dad are walking in front of my sister Lori and I. As we are walking along the sidewalk, I am looking around enjoying the beauty of the campus. 

We approach a brick building. Williamsburg architecture. A very attractive setting. 

Lee Ann, Dad, and Lori follow the sidewalk that veered to the right that led to a front door.

I followed the sidewalk that went to the left that led to a different front door of the same building.

I yelled over to them and asked, “Where are we going?”

Lori whispered to Lee Ann and then Lori replied, “The second floor.”

I go in my front door and I find myself in a small storage room with a pile of old wooden creates that you have to climb in order to get to the second floor. 

I start to climb but, I could barely get half way until I hear my little sis yell, “Dad has fallen.”

I start climbing down from the boxes.

Lori yells again, “Dad has died.”

I reach the floor of the storage room. I had tears flowing down my face. 

Lori meets me there and says, “Come and help. I left Lee Ann and Dad halfway up the stairs.”

We go out the front door that I came in and run to their front door. The room that this front door leads to is fabulous. I ask Lori, “Where are they?”  She says, “The stairs are on the left. But someone has placed a stand here in front of us with a single card attached.”

It is a slender single pedestal stand with a harp shaped clip holding a single card.

I pluck the card from the clip and the artwork on the front of the card is just amazing.  

Lori says, “Turn the card over.”

I turn the card over and just stare at it.

She says, “What does it say?”

“Heaven.” I reply, “It only says, Heaven.”

Lori starts to cry as I look up the most beautiful set if stairs. It looks like they go to the Grand Ball Room. I ask, “Where are they on the stairs?” 

Lori looks up the empty staircase. Looks at me and says, “I left Lee Ann and Dad right there.” As she, points halfway up the grand staircase.

A breath of fresh air passed between us and I heard a voice that I have not heard in decades. 

It was my sister Lee Ann’s voice and she said, “Mom and Dad are fine. I helped Dad the rest of the way.”

The Flower that Never Bloomed - Winter Poem

In March of 2017 I made a wonderful Sterling Silver Rose Bud Necklace.  I wrote this poem to go with the necklace. I have four different endings to go with the seasons.

Title: The Flower that Never Bloomed - Winter
By: Bruce Hackmann 

How do I care for the flower
That will never bloom

Such a daunting task

The love I want to give
Will never feed the roots of the flower

The time I want to spend
Will never reach the leaves of the flower

The care I want to give
Will never touch the stem of the flower … that will never bloom

Such a daunting task

The beauty that I want to see
Will never inspire my eyes
For the flower that will never bloom
Will never be mine

Such a daunting task

For now
The garden has gone dormant 
The flower has fallen
It hurts to return to the garden

The Roaring River: Poem

Preparing to do some video/photography work on my poem titled, Rivers Bend, I was thinking about the different types of rivers I will be confronted with. Each river could have a different characteristic which will influence the emotional tone. So, I came up with three different types: Roaring, Rolling, and Rambling. It's the same poem but set to each rivers characteristic.

Title: The Roaring River
By: Bruce Hackmann

The roaring river
Plays a powerful melody 
That streams between my ears
As my inner spirits ascent

The cascading score 
Collaborates with my nose
With calming aromas of mineral scent

The bouquet plays 
To the timeless moment
Of tranquil time spent

The Flower that Never Bloomed - Fall: Poem

In March of 2017 I made a wonderful Sterling Silver Daisy Necklace.  I wrote this poem to go with the necklace. I have four different endings to go with the seasons.

Title: The Flower that Never Bloomed - Fall
By: Bruce Hackmann 

How do I care for the flower
That will never bloom

Such a daunting task

The love I want to give
Will never feed the roots of the flower

The time I want to spend
Will never reach the leaves of the flower

The care I want to give
Will never touch the stem of the flower … that will never bloom

Such a daunting task

The beauty that I want to see
Will never inspire my eyes
For the flower that will never bloom
Will never be mine

Such a daunting task

For now
The garden has matured
The flower isn’t blooming
It’s just difficult to return to the garden

Bubblegum Poem

A fun little whimsy one. Fits to my bubblegum necklace line.

Title: Bubblegum 
By: Bruce Hackmann

Oh, the sweet taste of bubblegum 

I chew and chew on my gum

The taste buds are saying yum

The Flower that Never Bloomed - Summer Poem

In March of 2017 I made a wonderful Sterling Silver Daisy Necklace.  I wrote this poem to go with the necklace. I have four different endings to go with the seasons.

Title: The Flower that Will Never Bloom - Summer
By: Bruce Hackmann 

How do I care for the flower
That will never bloom

Such a daunting task

The love I want to give
Will never feed the roots of the flower

The time I want to spend
Will never reach the leaves of the flower

The care I want to give
Will never touch the stem of the flower … that will never bloom

Such a daunting task

The beauty that I want to see
Will never inspire my eyes
For the flower that will never bloom
Will never be mine

Such a daunting task

For I always return to the garden 
And dream 
That she will bloom 
Then the flower will be mine

On the Inside Poem

Title: Join Me on the Inside 
By: Bruce Hackmann 

I’m standing alone on a January night
The freezing winds blow across the face
I feel my life frozen in one place
While, all I can think 
When will the winds of change come 
I’m due for change
The world needs to change
While I stand alone outside on this January night
I fight the elements of
And a perpetual feel of heart ache
When will the winds of change come
It's me against the world and I search for that will to survive 
I need to go inside
But, I go inside just to shut the door
The elements followed me inside 
And a perpetual feel of heart ache 
As I stand alone 
On this January night
I feel the winds of change blowing on the inside 
Then I realize it’s not the world that needs to change
I feel that dramatic wind of change blowing on the inside
It’s telling me 
I need to ride the wind of change that's within me
Then I’ll see the world change
How I see the world is how I see myself
How I see myself is how I am going to see my world
I’m standing alone 
When will someone come join me on the inside